*no beginning, no end*

Staring at the sunset makes me wonder
They all taught me Love
But no one taught me, how to leave them
I am fading, and i am fighting it hard
Hold on to my hands tightly, and look in my eyes
As life might slip away any time soon with a smile
Sing me soft lullaby taking me to grave
Chandeliers falling, screaming, and calling
Hitting the hail, in the cold winter wind
I fear life, and i see no escape
Sending chills up my spine, giving me a heart attak

I love you, with no beginning, no end. I love you as you have become an extra necessary organ in my body. I love you as only a girl could love a boy. Without fear. Without expectations. Wanting nothing in return, except that you allow me to keep you here in my heart, that I may always know your strength, your eyes, and your spirit that gave me freedom and let me fly

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